This version of XConsole does not require the PKernel NLM. All error messages will be displayed on the Console Command screen in the same format as the PKernel messages in the standard XConsole NLM. SAVING ERROR TO A LOG FILE: --------------------------- The error messages are not written to a log file by default; but, the XConsole messages can be saved to the console log along will all other console messages with the Conlog NLM. SETTING THE XCONSOLE ERROR LEVEL: --------------------------------- This version of XConsole needs to have the error level set from the command line when XConsole is initially loaded. default -> only display error messages. load xconsole errorlevel=e -> only display error messages. load xconsole errorlevel=w -> display error & warning messages. load xconsole errorlevel=i -> display error, warning, & informational msgs. load xconsole errorlevel=d -> display error, warning, informational, & debug messages NOTE: The command line option 'errorlevel' must be in lower case; but, the letter following the equals is not case sensitive.